The band around Martin Strathausen released their first album in 2006, followed by many compilations (like Cafe del Mar, Jazzy Lounge, Swing a la Mode and Electro Swing Revolution) and another 3 albums till now. They are known all over the world, in Europe, USA and Asia and with their new album “Swing Patrol” they come on the 29th of April to the LMB, for the first time to the Czech Republic. Tape Five are combining many different music styles, from elegant swing, electro swing to bossanova, latino and nu-jazz. When Martin Strathausen started this project, he was already a successful musician (known for jingles in advertising). In 1999 he met the English singer Henrik Wager in Germany, the idea was born, but it took them another 4 years to realize this project.Their formation is always changing, sometimes they are as a octet on stage, sometimes with an orchestra.