The bands Mirai and Poetika, who belong among promising young groups of today, released their first albums in autumn and are going to present them to their fans on their common tour. The Prague date is 8th April.
Mirai and Poetika are not completely new on the music scene. They’ve had a few hits, more than a million YouTube views and an extensive experience playing big and small stages. Over the summer they will have many concerts and work hard on their new albums.
“I can honestly say for both bands that we look forward to this so much. Boys from Poetika are really cool and we like that they play with their hearts. For our fans we are preparing a two-hour long storm of energy, new songs from the coming album and supercharged atmosphere in the club. We are working on a special interconnection of the two bands” says Mirai Navrátil, the frontman of Mirai.
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