Event date: 6/10 20:00

Czech rock band Support Lesbiens will go on tour in October

The Czech rock band Support Lesbiens was from March till May on tour with Ewa Farna and Nebe. In autumn they will go on club tour and will be in the Lucerna Music Bar on the 6th of October. Tickets are available for 200,- CZK (+fee) at, Ticketpro, Ticketportal, and at the cash desk of the LMB (without fee).

“The last 2 tours were always with other bands (Ewa Farna, Proximity, Waltari and Nebe), because we wanted to present our fans something special. That’s why we organized indoor mini-festivals with a lot of rock’n’roll. We enjoyed it very much, but now we have the feeling, that it is time for smaller camber concerts. We want to be very close to our fans and feel this special atmosphere in clubs and the contact to the people.”, says Hynek Toman.

For the album K.I.D. won the band Support Lesbiens last year the award Anděl in the category pop-rock and the publican choice award iReport for the best video clip.