Event date: 14/9 18:00

Beatsteaks will come to please Prague

The German punk rockers Beatsteaks, who have been smashing the charts and selling out clubs and stadiums for almost three decades, are embarking on the PLEASE Tour and will come to please Prague! They have sold out Lucerna Music Bar in the past and it was a great blast, so we are really looking forward to this year too!

Beatsteaks are a well-known name on the German music scene. With the energy of punk rock they started to create in 1995, in almost thirty years they have released eight studio albums, one compilation and two live albums. They are responsible for punk rock anthems like Hand In Hand and I Don’t Care As Long As You Sing, which have tens of millions of plays on Spotify. And they’re still going at it on stage like they’re twenty-five.

It’s their exceptional stage presence that puts them above other bands in the genre. Especially frontman Arnim Teutoburg-Weiß knows exactly how to communicate with the audience and what kind of show to put on so that every punk rock soul leaves the show satisfied. And that’s the most important thing.

It is a standard that Beatsteaks concerts are sold out, they have sold out Lucerna Music Bar in the past, they are usually the stars of music festivals (even when big foreign names are on the program) and their albums regularly top the German charts. Beatsteaks can convince even the most die-hard opponent of punk rock tunes that it’s the best genre in the world and that their concert is the place to be on a Saturday night. So be there!