
Ahoj Moj, get ready for Slovakian hip hop

vec_170x170“Slovakian hip hop”, that was and still is for Czech people a term, a concept so difficult to grab. Even this two countries are like brother and sister, sharing the same language root – and still. There is no better chance to get to know the Slovakian hip hop, than with this two amazing representatives: Vec and Modré Hory (Bene aka Peťo Tázok and Lyrik). Both are coming on the 5th of March to the LMB, your chance to experience real Slovakian hip hop.
But be careful, it is everything else than what you are expecting. It is not just a copy of American hip hop, it is not the usual “gangster sh**”. These artists are the masters of observation. They see, they describe what they see, they point out, if they don’t like what they see.

Vec had with his last album “Stereo Farbo Slepo” big success; many club and festival concerts, e.g. Grape and Pohoda confirm that. Modré Hory is bringing their newest album “Big Beat” fresh from the making. Get ready for the Ahoj Moj BOOMBOX, get ready for Vec, Škrupo and Modré Hory with Roland Kánik.

Wednesday 5.3., Lucerna Music Bar, Prague
VEC + Škrupo
MODRÉ HORY + Roland Kánik

Tickets are available for 200 Kč (+fee) / At the door 250 Kč.
Info and tickets online HERE!