
Android Asteroid: intergalactic release party next Wendesday

AA_170x170The Czech band Android Asteroid just recorded their first album in the London Abbey Road Studios. The release party for “LIVE” will be on the 23rd of April in the LMB. The band worked together with rapper and producer Jan Pospíšil and drummer Tomáš Konůpek and other great Czech artists, such as Annamária d’Almeida (vocals), Marta Minárik (bas), Viliam Béreš (keyboard), Lukáš Martinek (guitar), Miloš Dvořáček (drumms) a Jan Steindorfer (synthesizer). Special features on the album are Yarah Bravo and DJ Vadim.
At the concert you will not only hear the songs recorded in the studio, but also the epic and long song “Move”, which will be played for the very first time. It has three parts “Run”, “Go” and “Good News”.
Very special guest for this evening will be Nèro Scartch and the after party is taking care of by DJ Robot.

This intergalactic concert starts at 9pm and the tickets are available for 200CZK (+fee) at Ticketpro, Tickeportal, Ticketstream and Eventim. At this page and at the cash desk of the LMB without fee. At the door: 250CZK.