In 2003, an unusual song began airing on Israeli’s popular radio stations. With its haunting chorus in the Ethiopian language of Amharic and an exotic, global fusion sound “Bo’ee” became an instant crossover hit that catapulted The Idan Raichel Project to the top of Israel pop charts and turned a young dreadlocked keyboardist and producer into a household name in his native land.
Soon, The Idan Raichel Project would become known around the world for its ambitious cross-cultural collaborations that changed the face of Israeli popular music and offered “a fascinating window into the young, tolerant, multi-ethnic Israel taking shape away from the headlines” (Boston Globe). Since the release of their first international album on Cumbancha in the fall 2006 The Idan Raichel Project have become global ambassadors representing a hopeful world in which artistic collaboration breaks down barriers between people of Idan Raichel, the architect of this unique project, is a keyboardist, producer and composer from Kfar Saba, a city near Tel Aviv.
Idan Raichel – piano
Cabra Casay – vocal
Gilad Shmueli – drums
Yankale Segal – oud & bas
Open door: 19:30
Start: 20:15