Event date: 13/11 20:00

Prago Union already tonight!

Tonight is having one of the best Czech hip hop bands Prago Union a concert in the Lucerna Music Bar. But what is all the gossip about? They are playing for the last time??
Yes, it is true, the live band Champion Sound will not exist anymore. And also the rest of Prago Union will not have any concerts till end of next year.

But don’t be sad. Let’s party tonight, like it is the last.
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PRAGO UNION + Champion Sound and guests: James Cole, Erika Fečová, Dědek
Support: The High Corporation
DJs: Lil Rowa, Kato, Maro, Jeffology
Thursday 13. 11. 2014, Lucerna Music Bar, Praha
Tickets:  250 CZK + fee at, Ticketpro, Ticketportal, Eventim and at the cash desk of the Lucerna Music Baru (without fee), at the door 300 Kč.

20:00 – 20:30 DJ Lil Rowa
20:30 – 21:00 The High Corporation
21:30 – 23:30 PRAGO UNION + Champion Sound
23:30 – ??:?? Afterparty – DJs Lil Rowa, Kato, Maro, Jeffology